Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.

I'm pregnant!

(assumed conversation with numerous blog readers)


yes, again.

"were you trying for another baby?"

Well, no, but we're definitely in favor of the idea!

"Is this #4?"

If you insist on the womb distinction. We don't, so we are counting it as our 5th.

"When are you due?"

Early April, but might be as early as late March if we have to go for another c-section or I get carried away with the castor oil again.

"Another c-section? What's up with that?"

I have a rare blood disorder called, ready... Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia or NAIT for short. Each pregnancy has a 50% chance of being affected, depending on the baby's genetic makeup. Sarah and Ruth were both NAIT babies, but Paul wasn't. None of our kids have any lasting complications from the disorder, so we're very grateful for God's providence in this. In a couple of months we should be able to determine through amniocentesis if this baby is affected or not.

Trusting God is the primary job of parents, both before and after birth. We don't take our children for granted or even consider them our children -- ultimately they are God's.

Praising Him for another opportunity to learn that trust!


  1. Hooray! Congratulations to all of you!!

  2. You have nothing to be ashamed of! Children are a blessing form the Lord. http://ref.ly/Ps127;ESV

  3. David, did I sound ashamed? I fear the opposite might be more true :-)

  4. Yay!! =) Well, we're definitely thanking God for this added gift to all of us! And if you count Woody, you're definitely beating us again...;)

  5. Sorry, didn't mean to imply you are ashamed...just a friendly reminder not to be ashamed. Sadly, many people don't accept kids the way our Lord does. See http://ref.ly/Mt19.13-15;ESV

  6. Congratulations on another beautiful baby! I will be praying for both of you to be healthy and strong!

  7. I'm so happy for you, Sharon! This is wonderful! And, ha ha, I got to find out from you before Chris found out from Russel. ;)
