Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Doggie blog

"Owning a dog sometimes just costs money." That's a paraphrase of a friend's words to me as I debated whether or not to hospitalize Woody. He came down with a real sudden infection over the weekend. The vet wants to administer IV antibiotics and fluids. I still stand by my previous post, but I feet compelled to blog a few of the things I like about Woody. Maybe I'm trying to justify my vet bills? But, really, with my lousy memory, I just want to journal these things before I forget...

I love the way Woody:

1. follows me around the house. He always wants to be where I am. He whimpers if I leave the house (so I'm told.)

2. is so sweet with the kids. When Ruth was younger Woody would let her use him as a step stool to get up onto the couch.

3. cleans up all the kids crumbs and Paul's discarded food from the high chair. Saves me a lot of sweeping!

4. 's eye and ears perk up at the slightest whisper of the word w-a-l-k.

5. won't touch his water bowl if a piece of lint happens to drop in it, but he'll happily drink out of the toilet all day.

6. watches us pull out of the driveway when we leave, then curls up and goes to sleep until we get home.

7. "trees" all the squirrels who dare to enter his yard.

8. waits until I'm otherwise occupied (nursing a baby, giving a bath, etc.) before he digs in the trash can.

9. makes himself comfortable. Only the best seat in the house for him (our couches). And he will tug and fluff a blanket until it make the perfect cozy nest to circle down into a ball the size of a large cat.

10. hogs the fire in winter and refuses to go out in the slightest drizzle of rain.

Woody also has his share of headaches, but if I was going to list those it'd take more time than I have at my disposal! The kids will want food again. Soon. And laundry doesn't fold itself. Bummer.

Monday, June 22, 2009

How's this?

I had a couple folks tell me they couldn't view my older posts or links. I don't know if that's a problem with Blogger or with them or with me. Everything still shows up on my computer -- strange. So, I thought I'd try a new template. Maybe the last one was too wide?

Just thought I'd explain to all my faithful readers, you know who you are, why my blog is now this crazy green color. I kinda like it. I think.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame

Russell took Phillip and Sarah to a River Cats game tonight. I was surprised he let her wear her Angels hat.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I {heart} The Gospel

From Michael Horton in Modern Reformation:

The inner world of mysticism and pietism has always been a refuge from the clash of competing claims about objective truth, but the gospel isn't a claim about how I feel or how I live -- or even about how I think. The gospel radically transforms our feelings, thoughts, and practices; but only because it is not about anything that is done by us or in us. It is not a claim about me at all. It is the Good News about God's practices, not mine; His thoughts and feelings towards me, not mine toward Him. It does not well up within us, but comes to us from outside.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Report card brag time - again

If you ask him, Phillip will tell you in no uncertain terms that he HATES school. I suspect he had more fun than he's willing to admit. Case in point -- his teacher's end of year remarks:

"Phillip has worked hard this quarter to quickly and cheerfully respond to correction when he would get too silly. I really appreciate your effort, Phillip. God has given you a great mind, and I know you are going to love the greater challenges ahead in junior high. I have enjoyed having you in class this year. I hope you have a great summer break---let me know if they allow laughing in junior high!" -- Mrs. Andrews

That's classic -- as if she doesn't know!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Why should we settle for less?

Lester Ruth, Associate Professor of Worship and Liturgy at Asbury Theological Seminary, analyzed the top 70 or so contemporary worship songs used over the last decade. In a lecture at SBTS he says: "A rich doctrine of the Trinity can give us more reasons to love God, not less."

He asked a church musician why there was so little theological content in church music and was told "there's a fear among composers and churches that if a song sounds too theological it won't be worshipful."

It's a fascinating listen if you have an hour to spare, say, if you're waiting up for your husband to get home from work or something. for example.

HT: Challies, like usual.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My little pooper

Here's Paul in his Dodger blue (Aunt Jo's gift) -- No, Russell's allegiances haven't changed.

Here's a question for any mom's, etc., who may have wisdom on toddlers digestive health:

(warning: gross, unpleasantness to follow)

Paul is having like 4 - 5 POOPY diapers every day. I think he just has too much fiber in his diet. Any suggestions on foods for 1-year-olds that might stop him up a little? (Besides bananas, he's already eating one a day)

Thanks -- I'm off to change a diaper. again.