Monday, February 9, 2009

Large Families

...but here's a fun article on "large" families, in case you missed it:

And Baby Makes How Many?

“You get the feeling,” Ms. Francis added, “that anybody who has more than three kids is either doing it for bizarre reasons or there’s a medical anomaly.”

...As for the other pointed questions about large families, defenders have developed standard comebacks, lists of which circulate on the Internet.

How can you afford so many? “Lifestyles are expensive, not kids.”

Don’t you know what causes that? “Oh, yes, I now wash my husband’s underwear separately.”

Do you get any time for yourselves? “Obviously, or we wouldn’t have six kids.”


Just learned at Bible study of a new RCG baby coming along in the fall. Here's a will be baby #4 for this family. Any guesses???