Thursday, September 25, 2008

Daycare perks?

I just had to vent about this.

According to Laura Sullivan (whoever that is) in Parenting magazine: 3 reasons daycare is good for your kid.

1. It'll make him healthier -- all the "bugs" he's exposed to may strengthen his immune system.

2. It'll prep him for school -- a recent NIH study found that 4-year-olds in daycare did better on literacy and number-skills tests.

3. It'll jump-start his social life -- "Because they have to get along with lots of other children, they learn they don't always come first and how to make friends."

Are those really the best arguments they can come up with? Yikes. Sign me up! I could vent more, but I have to go make sure my kids are learning that they don't always come first. Ha!


  1. =) They have to come up with something, don't they? Ugh.

  2. or larger families...

    geez-o, how many more bugs could we be exposed to?? I feel like I can't keep my boys' noses dry for 2 weeks!!

  3. One of the perks of being pregnant is that I get to go into doctor's offices regularly and read trashy magazines, among them People, Parenting, and Working Mother. I get to see how the other half lives and learn about why day care is soooo great.
