Thursday, June 12, 2008

Busy weekend

Aunt Jo came for a visit:

Then we went to the bay area to take on our favorite hike near Point Reyes. This is why we love it:

and the temperature was about 60 degrees (if you can't tell, temperature is very important to me).

If you look closely at the top of the hill, maybe you can see the elk. There's a heard of them that live here.

And we have smiles. Yes, I repeat, we have smiles:

Maybe he's just happy because of his good night's sleep (9 hrs for the last three nights).


  1. He's too little for smiles!! =) Too bad he's so cute, huh? and 9 hour sleeps? What are you feeding that kid? =)

  2. holy cow! 9 hours...that's awesome! What a great looks beautiful and cool! too bad you couldn't grab a family picture with the whole gang...maybe while Aunt Jo is there, eh??

  3. yes, I'm happy to see that cutting back on his food hasn't affected his sleep much. Considering how much he was throwing back at me, though, he's probably not really getting any less nourishment!

  4. Goodness gracious that is one cute boy. Good job catching the smiles on camera for our enjoyment. :)

  5. What great pictures! And Paul is sure handsome (especially when his eyes are open and he's smiling)!
