Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What Phillip's been up to

I just don't get to snap too many cute pictures of Phillip playing in the leaves or loosing teeth these days. For one thing, he's just not cute anymore. He's officially taller than me, smells bad, and does this when I get the camera out anyway:

But he is quite handsome. Ask the girls at school.

Several weeks ago Phillip volunteered to play piano for his music teacher's Christmas concert.

2009 Christmas Concert Promo from Muntean School on Vimeo.

One of the pieces he's accompanying is quite challenging and, after some procrastination and stalling, he finally has applied himself to the task of getting it "performance ready."

All things equal, we would not participate in such a holiday extravaganza. Cute kids dressed up in green and red performing nostalgic, religious songs and skits is not our ideal of God glorifying worship. However, this will be a great experience for Phillip. He's had to prepare, he'll have to deal with nerves and pressure, and he's grown as a musician.

That said, if anyone would like to come out and endure...(er, uh, I mean...support!) Phillip's concert with me on Tuesday you're more than welcome! He also has a music concert at Cornerstone this Friday night -- let me know if you want info on that too.

(I'll try to take pictures or video of it and post it here afterwards)

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