Monday, July 20, 2009

How did this happen?

I'm TWO ISSUES behind in reading Modern Reformation! Definitely a sad commentary on my time management skills.

This issue just arrived in my mail box today. It looks really good.

A Feast in a Fast-Food World

July/August 2009

and I still haven't cracked open:

Calvin at 500: Does He Still Matter?

Special Issue 2009

I'm currently making my way through:

Jesus Among other Christs

May/June 2009

I love my Modern Reformation. Here's a quote from the editor-in-chief to give you a flavor:

The history of the covenant of grace--centering on Christ and culminating in his person and work--is not a means to some greater end; it is the end. The gospel doesn't illustrate a point; it is the point! We just need to tell it, from Genesis to Revelation, and to deliver it not only through preaching and teaching but through baptism and Communion, through the care of elders and deacons, and in the myriad ways that we are able to share it with our neighbors.

-- Michael Horton

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